Our services






Let’s work together to transform energy challenges into opportunities for savings and sustainability.

We assist you in your journey to save energy and reduce carbon emissions:

  • You have already carried out an energy audit? We’ll take it a step further by drawing up a concrete action plan and guiding you through its implementation to achieve significant energy savings.


  • You must abide by the Tertiary Sector Decree (by French law, LTECV)? These regulations require owners and occupiers of buildings over 1,000 m2 in the service sector to reduce their energy consumption by at least 40% by 2030, 50% by 2040 and 60% by 2050. A detailed action plan must be drawn up to achieve these targets. We can help you incorporate the requirements of the decree into your energy performance strategy.

 All our support is tailored to your needs and your teams. From the pre-diagnostic visit to the drafting of specifications and a short-, medium- and long-term action plan, via energy audits carried out by qualified partners, we offer you careful supervision of the technical studies.

We also offer you the opportunity to raise your staff’s awareness of building energy consumption and to train your technical teams in the optimal management of energy systems.

Ready to take action? Contact us now so that together we accelerate your energy transition towards a more sustainable future.


    What energy path for your territory?

    We assist you in the development and implementation of your public energy transition policies: diagnosis, strategy, scenarios, action plan, evaluation, consultation, implementation support, communication, etc.


    • EXENCI helps local authorities develop their energy strategy and action plans.


    • Consultation is often central to a successful action plan. EXENCI organises and runs workshops involving elected representatives, economic key players, associations and residents in the energy and ecological transition process.


    • In a realistic but ambitious way, EXENCI studies the potential for renewable energy production, energy sobriety and the reduction of consumption in an area, taking into account the needs of its residents.


    You’ve put your trust in us for over 10 years!

     Since its early days, EXENCI has been providing technical expertise and coordination for international investment programmes in support of major French, European and international development organisations.

    From the identification of key players and energy potential, to the drafting of national public policy, including specialised technical assistance, coordination of international teams, skills transfer and evaluation, EXENCI draws on the reality on the ground to put forward relevant and ambitious recommendations.

      Contact us

      Office address (different from the headoffice)

      122 rue Château d’Orgemont, 49000, ANGERS



      09 83 63 22 21